A non-stressful stock image.
On Saturday, September 10 around 11:37am there was a loud “pop” heard in our neighborhood and the power went out briefly. There were reports of a fireball in the power lines outside a business on Spring Garden street. Power came back on, sort of. Some outlets worked, some didn’t. Our oven wasn’t on, but the fridge appeared to have power. Our internet was down, but our TV worked. Half our bedroom had power, half didn’t.
Very odd.
We texted with some neighbors and they had similar issues. At first we thought it was a “leg” out - just partial power getting delivered from the street. But Duke came and fixed it all and we still didn’t have full power.
On Tuesday we had an electrician come out and he was able to get most of our power back by repairing some of our breakers. But the oven still didn’t work. Oh, and it turned out our fridge was fried. It had power, but wasn’t cooling anything. We had to toss a bunch of food.
Duke gave us a claims number to call and we started reporting everything that was damaged. We bought a new fridge and oven. An HVAC guy came out and the AC needs a new control board. Hopefully we will be reimbursed for all the damaged items, and food lost, and everything.
So, what is my point? Definitely a First World Problem, right? Still, it was incredibly stressful not knowing what has wrong, not being able to solve the problem and being at the mercy of this claim to actually not be out several thousand dollars.
I was a wad of stress all week. I was eating poorly, sleeping poorly and in a daze most of the week. I got to yoga a couple times, thankfully, and that helped. But mostly I just waited for the problem to be fixed.
What brought me out of it was a well-timed boys weekend at my friend Phillip’s lake house. Friday afternoon through Saturday we just hung out, ate good food, played games, had some beer and chatted. It took several hours on Friday, but eventually I got past the stress and it hasn’t been back since.
We never really know what is going to happen, what events will occur that throw us off. Having habits and relationships in place to help when things get crazy makes it all much better.
As I’ve said before, fitness isn’t just about the body. Mind and spirit are as important and keeping all of them in good shape is a must.