A Reflection
Quite a change. I can still juggle, too!
It has been nearly 6 months since I started this blog, and I wanted to take the time to reflect back on how it’s progressed and revisit why I started it in the first place.
As with any endeavor like this, if I didn’t enjoy what I write about, I don’t think I would have made it a month let alone six. I genuinely get excited to go back through my life and dissect the different phases that got me where I am today. While technically I’m calling it a 30-year journey, the actual “beefcake” portion of it has been much shorter. I only started lifting weights and focusing on building muscle about ten years ago. Everything I did prior to that (martial arts, running, basketball, ultimate) certainly led to it, but I had a very narrow view of my fitness abilities until I started training with RJ.
I honestly did not think I would ever be able to put on muscle, so didn’t see the need to even try. And my stubbornness probably kept me from trying, too, because once I made my mind up I wasn’t about to let it be changed. Thankfully as I get older I am much more open to having perspective shifted and that has served me well as I experiment with new and varied approaches to fitness.
This blog has been a lot of fun to write and I’ve even hired someone to help me promote it and hopefully grow the audience. We’ll see how that goes over the next several months, but it’s promising so far. Who knows where it will lead, but it’s fun to think about having a large following.
But aside from that, it also helps keep me accountable with my workouts and fitness. I can’t be writing about all this and not actually doing it. I hope that it also may inspire others to take a look at their fitness and make strides in their own journey.
When it comes down to it, I’m just an average guy (slightly higher than the average US height of 5’9”, and slightly less than the average weight of 181lbs) who likes to keep fit and playing the sport that I love into my 50s.
I still find it hard to believe that people see me as anything but a too-skinny nerd, but I am starting to come around. The more I work on being fit, the more I identify as being “fit” instead of skinny.
Thank you for sharing the journey so far, there is a lot more to come!